About La Luz Del Dia Restaurant
Since 1959
La Luz del Dia is a cafeteria-style restaurant serving Michoacan Mexican food in the historic Olvera Street in downtown Los Angeles. The restaurant was officially established at this location in 1959 but the story begins much earlier.
Before there was the La Luz del Dia restaurant, there was a La Luz del Dia grocery store, established in 1915 just a few blocks down on Main Street where the 101 freeway is today. It relocated to several places along Main Street including right next to the Plaza Church, North Spring Street, and in 1966 the Sepulveda House. Since 1941, the grocery store, then owned by Jack Berber, was a supplier to Christine Sterling, the founder of Olvera Street, when she lived in the historic Avila Adobe. Because of this long relationship, Ms Sterling always insisted that Jack Berber should open a business directly on Olvera Street. On September 16, 1959 this opportunity turned into a reality and Jack along with his cousin Pancho Cazares opened La Luz del Dia Restaurant.
La Luz del Dia is currently owned by Gregory Berber, son of Henry Berber, and grandson of Jack Berber. Pancho's son Frank had also been working at the restaurant for many years.
Lead Staff
David Solorzano
General Manager
Victoria Campos
Assistant Manager
Recent press
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Los Angeles Downtown News
2013 Best Mexican Food Nominee
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